Sunday, February 26, 2023


Wool is one of those books I had on a list somewhere, so that probably means I heard it was good at some point. Maybe Will told me about this one? Wool is the first book in a trilogy that I think is called the Silo Series by Hugh Howey. I don’t recall reading anything by Howey before but I’ll check here on the blog as I’m writing this sitting on a plane to Florida and I can’t check. [Just checked: nope]

Wool falls into the dystopian, soft sci fi box but it differs from a lot of the other stuff in that box in many ways. The premise is pretty original, at least in my experience, and the scope is very limited which I think helps the story because it’s so pared down.

The focus of the story seems to shift from where we thought we were when we first started reading, and then once we refocus, it shifts again. I think that helps to create empathy with the characters in the story as the story arc reveals more about this place, these people, and their situation.

Howey is able to build tension along the way while still keeping tight control of the narrative and how much we learn as we go.

There is intrigue, passion, righteousness, love, rebellion, murder, ingenuity, mystery, and a little taste of the horrifying.

I’ll be looking for the next books in this series. [Update: picked the next one up at the library. Its next.]

Read this book.