
Wednesday, November 21, 2018

goblet of fire

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire is book 4 and halfway through Harry's Hogwarts career. The title goblet has a pretty small part in the story, but I will admit, its a better title than "Harry Potter and the Triwizard Tournament," which sounds a little dumb. So I can imagine that was considered and then rejected for its dumbness. But who knows, it may have been the name of the book in the UK.

Harry is getting older, and so are his problems. This year, the Triwizard Tournament comes to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry after a hiatus of many years (centuries?) geeks, I'm looking at you The idea of the Triwizard Tournament is to encourage international wizarding and witching community cooperation. Rowling tells us how select students arrive from two separate European magic schools and stay for the year at Hogwarts, with their respective headmasters. Sounds grand, and very cooperative buuuuut... who's running things back in France and... Bavaria? geeks, help me out Maybe the headmaster's flit back and forth; but they do seems to be around whenever the storyline calls for them.

And whats up the rest of the select bunch of students that each school brought that don't get to represent their school in the Triwizard Tournament? I assume they're enrolled in classes at Hogwarts, but that's not mentioned. Or maybe I'm wrong. nerds?

This book is a fat one! Clearly, Rowling know understands the depth of her power, her right to pen whatever she likes, regardless of length or complexity. Rowling has ascended to god-like writer status at this point. And you know, becomes a brazilianaire. 

The crap gets real in this book, don't miss it.

And can I get a holla' for Mary GrandPré for those illustrations, yo? 


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